Are you selling property?

Read our professional content! Below we will introduce you to some of the services you are offering. If you choose to sell your property with us:

  •  We will not only target the buyer, but also assist you with legal advice, in the negotiations for clarification of the terms of sale and in case of any problems arising during the processing period.

  •  We assist in issuing and securing the necessary documents, so that the whole process runs smoothly.

  • Determining the market price of a property is one of the key moments for a successful sale. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, experience and information to determine the market sales position of your property, We will determine the price objectively.

  •  Work after the sale of real estate begins before the property is offered. Following a detailed view of your property, we will give you a competent assessment of its condition, we will dedicate to you the minimum improvements, which may increase its price. Good trade type is of great importance for the fast sale.

  •  In order to sell your property quickly, it needs to be well-publicized. We deal with the making of the advertising plan, selection of channels and ways of advertising, advertising materials and messages, establishing communication with potential customers and more.

  •  One of the most expensive and complex things related to advertising is the professional disappearance of property. We have a photographer, specializing in the preparation of photo sessions for apartments, offices, etc.

Като изберете да работите с нас, Ние изцяло ще поемем отговорността за воденето на търговски преговори относно условията за успешна продажба на Вашия недвижим имот.


Умелото водене на преговори е ключът към успешния завършек на процеса по продаването на недвижимо имущество, а Ние целим точно това!



Sale a property